Students reading

Written by Director of Human Resources & Equity Dr. Nora Ryan

As we come to the close of another school year, I want to take a moment to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of our Bobcat staff members because they have all played a role in the education and development of our students. They could not have done it without the support of the families and Marshalltown community as well.  The dedication of this community has been nothing short of extraordinary, and I am truly thankful for the hard work and non-stop effort you have all put forth throughout this year.

Since becoming a Bobcat in 2019, Marshalltownians have faced many challenges, yet the unwavering commitment to the students and their well-being has remained steadfast. I am forever impressed with the resiliency of my colleagues and neighbors. Whether navigating the complexities of remote learning, adapting to new health and safety protocols, or finding innovative ways to engage students and fulfill the duties of your jobs, our staff has shown remarkable strength and creativity. Their ability to rise above and meet these challenges head-on is a testament to the professionalism and dedication that defines the Marshalltown Community School District (MCSD).  The hard work families are putting in at home to care for, develop, and lead the kids is incredibly commendable as well. It really is amazing to see staff and families working in tandem to best support these students.

From the teachers who have gone above and beyond to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences, to the support staff who ensure our schools run smoothly, to the administrators who provide strong leadership and guidance—each staff member has contributed to the success and growth of our students. Their collective efforts have made such positive impressions on our kids, and for that, we are all deeply grateful. 

Our students are lucky enough to consistently be around their phenomenal teachers and paraeducators in the classrooms, but our support staff members outside the classroom also play a vital role in the daily experience of our students.  I recently drove a bus route that I had never driven before.  When I pulled up to several stops, I could see the disappointment in several childrens’ faces that their driver was absent.  These kids were eagerly awaiting the familiar face of their driver.  It was apparent they were excited to see him that morning.  Please do not ever underestimate the impact you have on these children, MCSD staff.  (I should note that their disappointment was justified, as I may or may not have missed a couple turns on that route.)

Families and Bobcat Staff, as we head into the summer months, I encourage you to take this time to rest, recharge, and enjoy the well-deserved break. Take time for yourselves and your families, and come back refreshed and ready to continue the amazing work that you do. Families, enjoy the extra time with the children, and please know that the MCSD staff is eagerly awaiting their return. 

In closing, I want to reiterate how proud I have been to be part of a community that values education and is committed to the success of every student. Your dedication and hard work are the foundation of MCSD’s success, and I am confident that together, MCSD will continue to achieve great things.