4 men and a woman holding school supplies

Hundreds of school supplies were donated and distributed in this year’s Stuff the Bus effort. Pictured, from left: Fisher Elementary Principal Mark Lee, MPD Officer Andrew Cole of the Fraternal Order of Police, House of Compassion Director Chad Hammar, Fisher Elementary School Resource Specialist Kyndra Lobdell, and MCSD Communications Director Adam Sodders.

The 2021-22 school year is well underway, and great organizations have donated thousands of school supplies as Bobcat students settle back into their classes. 

The House of Compassion partnered with the Fraternal Order of Police for this year’s Stuff the Bus effort, which provided hundreds of backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, glue sticks, and more to the Marshalltown CSD. The supplies were stuffed into backpacks, and are available at all elementary schools, Lenihan Intermediate School, Miller Middle School, and Marshalltown High School. 

6 women standing in front of car holding school supplies

The O’Brien Family McDonald’s donation included backpacks stuffed with several essential school supplies, such as pencils, pens, crayons, and a notebook.

Another generous school supply donation was provided by O’Brien Family McDonald’s, which includes the Marshalltown McDonald’s location. The O’Brien Family donation included hundreds of backpacks, each stuffed with supplies like pencil bags, crayons, a notebook, and more.

Incredible efforts like Stuff the Bus and the donation by O’Brien Family McDonald’s help ensure that every Bobcat student has what they need to have a successful school year. We are deeply grateful for these school supply donations!