woman on stage with girl

MHS Principal Jacque Wyant, right, presents junior Melissa Hernandez Morales, left, with her first academic bar, which will complement her previously-earned academic letter.

Marshalltown High School students who maintained a 3.5 or GPA last school year were celebrated at the Marshalltown Performing Arts Center Auditorium Wednesday evening. 

Some of the students celebrated Wednesday picked up their very first academic letter award. Students who had previously earned an academic letter were recognized with academic bars, signifying their repeated, consistent academic success.

“This evening is about striving for academic excellence. It is about being college and career ready,” said MHS Principal Jacque Wyant, adding many of the students are also involved in extracurricular activities, volunteering in the community, and dual-credit college classes. “These students demonstrate their readiness for college in their academic rigor and achievement. They demonstrate their career readiness in their volunteerism, positive attendance, extracurricular involvement, Seal of Biliteracy, and dual credit. Combined with workplace experiences, they are definitely Bobcat Ready.”

man fist bumping student

Superintendent Dr. Theron Schutte congratulates junior Mang Sang at Wednesday’s MHS Academic Letter Awards celebration.

Superintendent Dr. Theron Schutte said the letter-earners celebrated Wednesday evening serve as great role models within the Marshalltown Community. He encouraged senior students to continue pushing hard to prepare for post-secondary life; he also encouraged sophomores and juniors to take advantage of opportunities to expand their education within the school and community.

“Congratulations students, we look forward to seeing what you’ll accomplish this year,” Dr. Schutte said.

Both Wyant and Dr. Schutte gave special thanks to the students’ families, friends, and community members who have supported their growth and success.

See more photos from Wednesday’s celebration below, and see a list of students who earned an academic letter during the 2020-21 school year here (for academic bars, indicates one bar earned, and * indicates a second bar earned): 


  • Emily Andrade Zepeda

  • Lydia Blevins

  • Claire Bohan

  • Joseph Burgos

  • Daisy Covarrubias Andrade

  • Yeidel Cutino

  • Danielle Czerniewski

  • Jordyn Daggett

  • Rebekah Downs

  • Ayva Duden

  • Ethan Etcher

  • Thalia Gallegos

  • Alexia Garcia

  • Gabriel Garcia

  • Carter Giannetto

  • Carroll Gomez Reyes

  • Aylin Gonzalez

  • Deanna Hernandez

  • Sara Huffman

  • Roan Jelken

  • Meredith Kodis

  • Ava Lucas

  • Christopher Macias Mendoza

  • Vania Madrigal Ibarra

  • Jaydalin Matteson

  • Ian Meyer

  • Keira Meyeraan

  • Tha Mo

  • Robbie Noriega

  • Hannah Norton

  • Berenice Ordaz

  • Brecken Payne

  • Ella Phomvisay

  • Lisvet Ramirez Murillo

  • Salvador Ruiz

  • Angelica Sandoval Vigil

  • Ethen Santana

  • Mu Say

  • Hae Shee

  • Carson Snyder

  • Jacob Thiessen

  • Kaiden Youngblood


  • Stephanie Becerra Hernandez *

  • Tarryn Bell *

  • Gracelyn Bethel *

  • Micah Blevins *

  • Locke Bloomquist *

  • Averi Bolar *

  • Lizeth Castillo *

  • Deisy Castro

  • Nile Christensen *

  • Abigail Dawson *

  • Blanca De Leon Saiz

  • Timothy Deahl

  • Jaden Dhyne

  • Emily Diggins *

  • Jaxson Eisenbarth

  • Ashten Finders *

  • Melissa Hernandez Morales*

  • Joel Hueso *

  • Connor Hugen *

  • Jiselle Ibarra Rodriguez *

  • Gavin Jablonski *

  • Rachel Jacobs *

  • Derek Ketcham *

  • Cing Kim *

  • Jayzek Lee *

  • Andres Lomeli *

  • Drew Loney *

  • Tytan Lopez *

  • Nicholas Lucas *

  • Alexa McKeever *

  • Denise Montealegre *

  • Diaritza Orozco Beltre *

  • Bawi Par *

  • Isaac Rangel *

  • Grace Rasmussen *

  • Joshua Reynolds *

  • Audel Ruiz *

  • Benjamin Saldana
    Madrigal *

  • Cael Sandvick *

  • Mang Sang *

  • Jessica Sather *

  • Willow Schmidt *

  • Eleanor Seberger *

  • Kaisa Stanley *

  • Jason Strand *

  • Edgar Tellez Ibarra *

  • Autumn Thompson *

  • Samuel Troutner *

  • Chesni Uhde *

  • Quinn Weidenaar *

  • Meah Yoemans *

  • Alexia Zamarron Botello *


  • Rochelle Avalos **

  • Marcus Barker **

  • Stephen Blom **

  • Kasie Brandt **

  • Austin Close **

  • Lilly Duff **

  • Alivia Eaton **

  • Jeylianys Grau Rivera

  • Araceli Gutierrez Alvarez

  • Gage Hansen **

  • Amber Henson **

  • Phoebe Hermanson **

  • Marco Herrera **

  • Veronica Herrera **

  • Sydney Hotchkiss **

  • Claire Hughes **

  • Carly Johnson

  • Zoe Johnson *

  • Taylor Jones **

  • Kiara Juarez Parra **

  • Sitlali Lara Perez **

  • Dayanara Martinez Calderon *

  • Dayton McDonald **

  • Kale McKibbin **

  • Rylie McMullen **

  • Hayden Oetker **

  • Levi Ogston

  • Jadyn Palmer **

  • Drake Polley **

  • Alejandro Rivas Alanis **

  • Lisbeth Santacruz **

  • Colin Schmit **

  • Aaron Seberger **

  • Kendall See **

  • Rachel Smith **

  • Erin Stanley **

  • Rebekah Stone **

  • Richard Toe

  • Callie Tuttle **

  • Brynn Van Buren **

  • Jose Manuel Vergara **

  • Norah Wilson **

  • students on stage

  • students on stage

  • students on stage

  • students on stage

  • student on stage with woman